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Your perfect size

Choosing a Ring Size


Option 1: Measure your ring

diamond measuring rendering.jpg

1. Use a ring currently owned and ensure it fits the preferred finger
2. Measure the internal diameter of the ring
    (as indicated in the diagram above in red)
3. Make sure to measure in mm

4. Use the chart below to convert and find your finger size

Option 2: Measure your finger

1. Cut a small piece of paper and wrap around preferred finger
2. Ensure that the paper is wrapped tightly around finger
3. Mark the spot with a pen/pencil where the paper meets

4. Measure the distance of paper to marked spot with ruler in mm
5. Use the chart below to convert and find your finger size

ring conversion chart mandia copy 2.jpg

Tips to Best Determine Ring Size

  • Being too cold can shrink finger size, and being too humid/hot can cause finger size to swell. We suggest measuring at room temperature (when they're warm)

  • It is best to measure your fingers at the end of your day, so they have had the time to expand

  • Avoid excess sodium or alcohol before measuring as this can cause finger swelling

  • Still unsure and can't determine your size? Be sure to contact us and a member of our team will be happy to assist you!

Choosing a Chain Length

Currently, we are only offering 16" or 18" chain lengths on our necklaces (this does not apply to custom orders). If you are undecided about which size to choose, look at the photo to help determine which length is best suited for you.
If you are still unsure, measure your neck and add two inches to that measurement, which is generally a comfortable length for tighter fits (usually 16 inches); add four inches, which is an ideal length for your pendant.
Keep in mind that 16" on a smaller neck will hang more loosely around the neck and fall around the collarbone. On a larger neckline, it may sit more like a choker. An 18" chain may be more appropriate for larger necklines as it can sit elegantly on the collarbone.
Remember that certain outfits may look better with a looser chain or a more fitted one.  

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